Your Consultation...

We live life at breakneck speed; maybe you've been eating on the run for long enough and you sense your body is telling you things but you can't make the connections; you don't feel 'Super-You'.  Time for a consultation with a professional...

If you decide to book an initial consultation (an hour) I will send a form which you will fill in and return a week prior to your appointment, together with a food diary. It’s a good idea to send any recent test results prior to the appointment as well

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At the consultation we will decide together, on a course of action to deal with your current health issues as outlined in your intake form, that is achievable for you and takes you in a new direction towards improving health and wellbeing


After the consultation I will send you a written plan, usually by email, which will clearly set out what we have discussed and agreed is achievable at your consultation. We will set a review date to look at progress made, which might include test results obtained in the intervening period. Any supplements agreed will be listed as the exact product to obtain, for what purpose, where to buy them and dosages. Any interactions with prescription medications are checked first. If someone prefers to work without supplements we agree that.  


The structure of the initial session can be strictly the hour but I have flexibility to provide a longer session if the individual case requires it or the client prefers to take longer and not be rushed.   The extra time at initial consultation is charged at £150 per hour.  My hourly rate is £130 thereafter. Please see the Rates page on this website

It's good to be able to talk to a professional, to get back on track, to join up the dots concerning your health.  It's only when you feel better that you realise how bad you felt before. Yes, and I've been there too!