Functional testing
Genova GI Effects Stool Profile. £
GI Effects Stool Profile. £355
For this comprehensive test stool samples are used to assess digestive capacity, levels of inflammation, infection, the health of the microbiome and nutrient levels
The health of the gut is key to overall health. Lack of optimal function here can lead to inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, low energy, weakened immunity, hormonal imbalance, poor appetite control, chronic conditions.
The test can uncover important markers that can be targeted by adjustments to diet, attention to efficient detoxification, top-ups of probiotics, dealing with disease and/or parasites, supporting digestive capacity by various means including supplements where necessary
We start here when gut function is giving you a bumpy ride, to fathom the instigators and contributing factors enabling us to start work to support healthier digestive processes and outcomes
DUTCH PLUS Comprehensive Hormone Test
DUTCH Plus test £330
The DUTCH test measures 35 hormones and includes oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, melatonin and cortisol awakening response (CAR). Unlike standard tests it looks at free hormones which are the useable unbound quantities available to the body representing useable amounts that give a truer picture of healthy or unhealthy levels. Hormones bound to proteins are measurable but unavailable
Through diet and lifestyle changes critical changes can be made to how these hormones are produced and are transported through the body, the health of the glands that produce them, the transport systems that carry them, the health of the cell receptors that bar or admit entry and allow usage
Genova Metabolomix Test
Metabolomix £335
The Genova Metabolomix test involves analysis of a sample of urine and looks in detail at the energy production cycle, levels of key nutrients like magnesium, specific B vitamins, omega-3 fats and antioxidants; it can be used to detect dysbiosis in the microbiome, and for assessing energy production efficiency it looks at exposure to toxins, the health of the mitochondria and ability to methylate a key feature of efficient detoxification and important in fertility cases
Inflammation markers are measured as well as several genetic SNPs such as MTHFR and COMT, there are also malabsorption markers to help assess digestive capacity along with macro-nutrient markers of protein absorption
A great test when wanting to look deeper into the causes of energy production impairment in CFS, mood disorders, chronic stress
COVID-19 Antibody Test £65
A test to detect if you have antibodies to covid-19 either through previous infection or from vaccination
Functional Dx MAXDx.
Functional DxMax £350
A blood test to check in on all body systems and look at how many are functioning optimally. This test goes deep into your body chemistry to root out where the the most support we do in our work together, is needed
A very useful starting test to establish where the work needs to begin from absolute understandings, in order to make immediate improvements in a case